Tuesday, May 29, 2012


Since Houdini the escape artist is laying and probably needs some privacy, I decided to divide the nesting box in two. According to Backyard Chickens, one box is good for 2-4 hens. Originally we built only one large nesting box, but they don't seem to use it much.

Nesting box, before

Houdini laid her egg in this box which is probably big enough for 3 chickens at a time. I added a divider so now it looks like this:

Nesting box, after

I also read that chickens prefer a roost bar in front of the box to jump onto before going inside. There is a 2x4 there now as you can see, but I might add something more substantial in the future. 

View from outside coop-lid lifts up for easy access to eggs.

I also put this flower pot with straw in the coop to give them something to nest in.

Another nesting area in the other corner.

Success! Houdini jumped right in to the smaller box, scratched a bit, then settled in. 

Penny jumped into the other side of the box, but was nosy and wanted to see what Houdini was up to.

 So she just barged in! Not sure if Houdini really appreciated it, but they stayed in there together until I shut the coop door. We'll see how many eggs we get now!

Edit: 2 hours after I made the nesting box I checked inside and there was already an egg! I would call this modification a great success!

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