Monday, May 28, 2012

Egg number two!

Today started at 5 am. My wife had to go to work so I got up to make breakfast (just a homemade egg wrap that we made a bunch of and froze) and got her coffee ready. Once she was fed and out the door I let the chickens out. I set up my portable fences and dog kennel to give them some grazing time. Since I am working nights I did a few chores then went back to bed.

I was awoken at 11:30 am by something squawking-not extremely loud, but noisy enough for me to notice. It was the same sound she was was making last time an egg came, so I think that played a part in me getting out of bed. I went down to check and I found the escape artist who I have name 'Houdini' under our BBQ. I promptly got her back into the run and hoped she wouldn't get out again.

While she planned her next escape I got an old hanging basket and remove the hanger. I figured if she wouldn't use the nesting box maybe she would use it instead. I filled it with a few heavy rocks (so it wouldn't tip over) and straw. I took it back to the coop and found Houdini in the nest box making a nest. I still put the hanging basket in the coop, hoping it will get used one day, and went to finish my tea. I checked in on her around 12:15 pm and sure enough egg number two had arrived! Perfect shape, no crack, still warm and a little smaller than egg number one.

No clue how she got out of this???

Houdini and her second egg

Egg 1 on top, egg 2 below is slightly smaller, weird...

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