Saturday, April 21, 2012

Construction Part 2

We are almost done! I had to put a tarp up since the weather has been pretty unpredictable and we haven't put the roof on yet.

We decided to insulate the coop because it can get pretty cold here in the winter and I don't have electricity running out to it (yet). I bought some plain white foam insulation and just put a layer of boards over top. The nesting box will be held up with the white brackets on the right side. 

We built the front so it lifts open on hinges so it's easy to clean. Right now we're going to use a board to hold it open but a friend suggested we use shocks that I could probably pick up cheap at the auto wrecker. My dad gave me some windows after he did renovations at home so we thought it would be good for extra light and ventilation. There's mesh on the inside to keep the birds from getting out and anything from getting in. We'll probably leave it closed while the chicks are young and open it up in the summer when it's warm and could use some air. 

Here is how we have the front propped up with a board. It's not the safest way, but we don't have children running around here so we'll look at safer options in the future. You can see on the left side where the chickens will access the run. The ramp can fold up so we can lock them inside at night to keep them warm and protect them from critters. We'll add a lock to it so they can't get out on their own. 

 Here's the coop with the front wall almost finished. Still no roof yet though!

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