Monday, April 23, 2012

New chicks!

We picked up 2 of our chicks today from Fraser Valley Building Supplies! They are both Australorp month-olds.

 We put some soft shavings and a little bit of hay down for them to scratch in. I wanted straw but the store was out. I also put down some diatomaceous earth to help dry out any poop on the coop floor, and supposedly it's a natural insecticide. 

So far the black one seems to be the bravest. She hopped up on my hand, and has done most of the exploring. She keeps jumping around seemingly looking for a way out while the yellow one just cowers in the corner underneath the heat lamp. We lowered the lamp a little because we thought maybe she was just cold. 

Checking out the nesting boxes. I plan to put a some straw in there when I get it. I'm also going to put some golf balls in there when we get our ready-to-lay hens next month. I've read they think the balls look like eggs so it encourages them to lay there too. 


  1. They seem quite small , are they like the ones you showed me. good luck with the golf balls. how big is your coop. it looks nice. good luck Nate.

  2. They are only a month old and not the ones I showed you. I wanted to get a Barred Plymouth Rock and a Rhode Island Red but we could only get them as day olds. We opted to get 4 Brown layers who will be ready to lay eggs when they come in May. We got these two for some variety.
